The health properties of apple vinegar have been known to humanity for centuries. Babylonians, Phoenicians and ancients Egyptians used the health assets of apple vinegar. Today apple vinegar is experiencing a true revival. This is owing to the fact that there does not seem to be an equally universal dietary supplement which would support so many aspects of our health at the same time.

The most frequently mentioned health benefits of vinegar include:

- supporting weight loss (stimulating the secretion of digestive juices),

- preventing upper respiratory tract infections (nose, throat, sinuses),

- improving immunity,

- treating colds,

- strengthening bones, nails, and hair,

- intensifying body detoxification,

- reducing glucose levels,

- reducing blood pressure,

- regulating the digestive system,

- supporting urinary tract function,

- antimycotic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action.

Does vinegar really have so many applications? Numerous studies confirmed its positive effect on our health (1).

What makes vinegar so universal? First of all, the content of numerous minerals and vitamins is a contributing factor (2).

Apple vinegar contains a lot of

a) vitamins, such as A, C, E, P, and B which strengthen our organism, regulate blood pressure and have a positive effect on our well-being,

b) minerals, such as potassium, iron, copper, silicon, boron, and calcium, which are greatly important to our organism,

c) beneficial digestive enzymes,

d) polyphenol compounds (gallic acid, catechins, epicatechins, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and coumaric acid)

e) fibre

f) beta carotene

g) probiotics

h) and, of course, the “vinegar mother”.

Please note that only vinegar which has not been subjected to pasteurisation process fully retains the nutritional properties and minerals. What should apple vinegar be like then?

- unpasteurised

- unfiltered

Only vinegar having these properties will be characterised by all the expected health assets.